Common Digital Marketing Problems and Their Solutions

Common Digital Marketing Problems and Their Solutions

From the smallest local business to the biggest international players, everybody wants digital marketing solutions to enhance visibility and reach. The more brands and businesses enter the digital domain, the stiffer the competition gets. Everybody wants to be on the first page of Google.

In the rush to rank, what we tend to forget is: This is not an overnight process, and as fascinating as digital marketing is, it is not a miracle. Once you come up with an effective digital marketing strategy for your business, you have to analyze the results, identify the problems, learn from your mistakes and try out something new.

Here are the 4 most common digital marketing challenges that all brands face, and here’s what you can do about them:

Making the most of a small budget– What clients ask us most often is: If they are a midsized business with a small budget, can they still go head-to-head with the big players? The answer is, yes. It may seem that larger brands have an unfair advantage. But, when you have a smaller budget the trick is to make the most of every penny. To maximize ROI, you should start by segmenting your target audience. Also, when you are on a small budget, pick your battles wisely. While allocating your budget, pick your best-performing channels and enhance them.

Clicks No Conversions– If you are facing this problem, one reason could be because your digital marketing campaign is targeting the wrong audience in poorly performing channels. Once you get the audience segmentation right, be careful about which channel you pick to market to them. Another culprit could be ineffective landing pages. For a landing page to be effective it should be simple and helpful, with a sophisticated design and it should load fast.

Tough Ranking Competition- When it comes to doing SEO and you are on a small budget, the trick is to be smart and try something a little different. You can try investing in long-tail keywords because they come with lesser competition and a better click-to-conversion ratio. Also, don’t be obsessed about ranking on the 1st page of Google. Instead, you can opt to rank for the Google-owned YouTube section. If video marketing can showcase your business better, consider an emphasis on YouTube. You can also aim to rank in the ‘videos’ part of Google Search.

Social Media is not flourishing– Have you stopped to consider the frequency with which you are posting on social media? There is no hard and fast rule as to how often you should post but if you are going by the once-a-month rule; you will be quickly forgotten. Social media can be a very powerful marketing tool based on what kind of business you are in, but brands and businesses don’t optimize it enough to unleash its power.

The Conclusion

Want digital marketing solutions for your business? Get in touch with us. Help us understand your business objectives and your budget, and we promise to maximize your ROI. Ranking your business on Google is our business, and we are good at it.

IMZ Media Solutions is an end-to-end digital marketing agency based in South Bombay. Our hard-hitting, ROI centric approach attitude has helped several brands and businesses over the last 10 years. To avail our digital marketing services, call us at @ 022 2368 2245 or write to us

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